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The First Health Strategy for Roma in Cork & Kerry was launched in June 2024.

7 Jun 2024

“Te Rodel Nevo Drom” (We are looking for A New Way), the first Health Strategy for Roma in Cork and Kerry was launched on May 28th,in Tralee International Resource Centre (TIRC) by Priscilla Lynch, Head of Primary Care HSE. Dr Patricia Kennedy, School of Applied Social Studies, UCC who researched and wrote the strategy with two Roma peer researchers (‘experts by experience’) Marcela Venzel and Isac Ianko.

“Te Rodel Nevo Drom” (We are looking for A New Way), the first Health Strategy for Roma in Cork and Kerry was launched on May 28th in Tralee International Resource Centre (TIRC) by Priscilla Lynch, Head of Primary Care HSE. Dr Patricia Kennedy, School of Applied Social Studies, UCC, who researched and wrote the strategy with two Roma peer researchers (‘experts by experience’) Marcela Venzel and Isac Ianko, having completed a consultation process with over 50 representatives from the Roma community, NGOs and statutory agencies.

The consultations focused on the social determinants of health and the needs of Roma from pre-natal to old age, what they need in relation to accessing health services, if there are barriers, what they are and how they can be overcome. The findings have been translated into actions, some of which can be progressed immediately, while others will require longer term planning and resources.


A summary of the strategy is available in several languages from TIRC on 066(7127918) or by emailing The strategy document is available on:

Head of Primary Care for HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare Priscilla Lynch said:

 “I am delighted to see this Roma Community health strategy come together after input from so many committed researchers and stakeholders. I am particularly pleased to acknowledge the role of Tralee International Resource Centre in this area, as they support the Roma in Kerry.”

Isac Ianko (peer researcher):

“This work which we have been a part of, shows clarity and simplicity. All of the findings and actions mentioned in this strategy are essential to our Roma Community.”

Marcela Venzel (peer researcher):

“This Strategy for Roma Health Needs was researched in our community. It represents our Roma world and our journey today.”



School of Applied Social Studies

Staidéar Sóisialta Feidhmeach

William Thompson House, Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland.,
