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UCCsocialwork Webinars

Webinar #5: Using Tik Tok to Engage Young People in Child Protection in Finland: The Sossut Project

22 Jan 2024
Happening On 22/01/2024
Tik Tok image

Using TikTok to Engage Young People in Child Protection in Finland: The Sossut Project

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Presenters: Camilla Jokela, Social and Emergency Services, Soite, Finland and Maija Haapala, Pesäpuu, Finland. Camilla and Maija are social workers in Finland who use Tik Tok to address child protection and children’s rights in a way that takes children and young people’s own media as a starting point. The TiKTok Sossut project seeks to ‘translate’ the practical language of child protection practice and policy for young people. The project also addresses misinformation in child protection as practitioners can’t talk about cases due to confidentiality. This project won a major Finnish government award in September 2023. Click here to view these TikToks. 


"Maija Haapala is a licensed social worker with notable experience in child protection services. Her professional journey includes working as a social worker in open care child protection services at the City of Espoo. Maija Haapala is also associated with Pesäpuu, where she participates in a project focused on runaways in foster care. Currently, she is working on her doctoral thesis concerning the emergency placements of young people and their impacts at the University of Tampere. Maija’s professional interest are in structural social work, partnership with the children and the young and social impact in child protection."

"Camilla Jokela is a licenced social worker and works full-time in the emergency social services of the wellbeing services county of Central Ostrobothnia (Soite). Jokela also works as a representative for children and young people who have come to Finland without a guardian. Camilla has worked with unaccompanied children in immigration services and child protection services. According to Jokela, the focus of social work should be indivisible basic and human rights, which are especially threatened in this time."

For more on this story contact:

@UCCsocialwork webinar convenor: Dr Kenneth Burns

About this series: This free webinar series is run by Dr Kenneth Burns, @UCCsocialwork, University College Cork. The aim of the series is to support front-line practitioners and managers in social work practice, and community & voluntary services in Ireland. All are welcome to attend.


School of Applied Social Studies

Staidéar Sóisialta Feidhmeach

William Thompson House, Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland.,
