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Stress And How To Reduce During Pregnancy

4 Mar 2019

Stress And How To Reduce During Pregnancy  

Is A Child’s Mental Health Linked To Stress During Pregnancy?


Research funded by the Health Research Board at APC Microbiome Ireland in University College Cork aims to better understand maternal stress and the role played by gut microbes during pregnancy and is the topic of a public seminar in Cork on Tuesday 5th March.

The speakers for this event include:

Professor Ted Dinan – Department of Psychiatry who will speak about “Mental health and pregnancy”

Dr Siobhain O’Mahony – Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, APC Microbiome Ireland “The microbiome during pregnancy and beyond”

Dr Fergus McCarthy – Obstetrics and Gynaecology CUMH and INFANT SFI Sesearch Centre “Stress and Pregnancy – an obstetric point of view”

Ms Bindu Begley – Yoga teacher and registered midwife “Simple techniques to deal with everyday stress”

The Seminar takes place on Tuesday 5th March 2019 from 6-8pm at Cork County library.  All are welcome and admission is free but seats are limited so please reserve your place in advance at

Pictured above are: Dr Fergus McCarthy, CUMH & INFANT SFI Research Centre, Ms Bindu Begley,Yoga teacher,  Dr Valentina Caputi, APEX Fellow,APC Microbiome Ireland, Dr Siobhain O’Mahony, UCC & APC Micorbiome Ireland and Prof Ted Dinan, UCC, CUH & APC Microbiome Ireland.

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Host Institution

Host Logos - UCC and Teagasc

Partner Institutions

APC Microbiome Ireland

Biosciences Building, University College Cork, Ireland,
