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Professor Aideen Sullivan and Dr Louise Collins welcome first year Medical and Health Science Students 2023

21 Sep 2023
Professor Aideen Sullivan Academic Director BSc Medical and Health Sciences, and Dr Louise Collins, Course Coordinator BSc Medical and Health Sciences with first year Medical and Health Science students 2023.

Professor Aideen Sullivan, Academic Director BSc Medical and Health Sciences and Dr Louise Collins, Course Coordinator BSc Medical and Health Sciences, welcomed the class of 2023 to UCC at the College of Medicine and Health First Year Orientation in Brookfield Health Sciences building on Thursday 14th September 2023. 

The first year class of 2023 are the sixth cohort of students to enter the BSc Medical and Health Science's innovative programme which is an exciting new cross-College BSc degree programme (CK707) which was conceived and developed by a team led by Professor Aideen Sullivan, Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience. With its first student intake in 2018, the course has attracted students with a keen interest in the biosciences and in medicine and health. It provides students with an in-depth scientific knowledge of the medical and health sciences, state-of-the-art research methods, and an insight into how research impacts human health and medicine.

2023 saw the second cohort of students graduate from the programme, Dr Louise Collins, Course Coordinator BSc Medical and Health Sciences said that the feedback from the students has been very positive, and the graduates confidently leave with all of the skills and competencies to pursue careers in a wide range of sectors, from medical research, through pharmaceutical and biotech industries to health promotion education and policy, as well as science communication and marketing.

Professor Sullivan chatting about the success of the course explained that one of the drivers in setting up the BSc in Medical and Health Sciences was to offer an opportunity to school-leavers to enter a programme which focuses on human health and disease from year one, which is different from many other Science programmes and allows the BSc Medical and Health Sciences degree programme the space and time to educate the students to a deep level in human Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology and Pharmacology, and to introduce modules on Translational Medicine (which is research that is aimed at taking laboratory discoveries through to clinical applications) throughout the degree. 

Further information

CK707 BSc Medical and Health Sciences

Medical and Health Sciences website 

For more on this story contact:

Photograph and news item B. Riedewald

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
