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News Archive 2020

Prof Cryan joins Editorial Advisory Board of Trends in Neuroscience

31 Aug 2020

Congratulations to Prof John F. Cryan on his recent appointment to the Editorial Advisory Board of Trends in Neuroscience. Prof Cryan is "Delighted to join the Editorial Advisory Board of one of my favourite journals @TrendsNeuro -along with so many scientists whose work I admire". 

TINS is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal, covering exciting developments in all areas of neuroscience its articles are curated by the Editor and authored by leading researchers in their respective fields. The journal communicates exciting advances in brain research, serves as a voice for the global neuroscience community, and highlights the contribution of neuroscientific research to medicine. For over four decades, Trends in Neurosciences (TINS) has been a prominent source of inspiring reviews and commentaries across all disciplines of neuroscience.




Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
