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News Archive 2019

Circadian Rhythms and Sleep: Biology to New Therapeutics

18 May 2019

Circadian Rhythms and Sleep: Biology to New Therapeutics

Maarten Baas, David Beattie, Suki Chan, Tehching Hsieh, Jitish Kallat, Caoimhe Kilfeather, Barbara Knezevic, Michael Landy, Rivane Neuenschwander, Michael John Whelan

Curated by Chris Clarke and Fiona Kearney in association with the APC Microbiome Centre, UCC

All life on earth operates to a daily 24-hour cycle – through rhythmic patterns of activity that are known as Circadian Rhythms.In partnership with APC Microbiome Ireland, the Glucksman is pleased to present an exhibition of Irish and international artists who explore Circadian Rhythms through reflections on time, the cadence of working life, sleeping patterns, as well as through the impact of modern technologies on biological life.

The exhibition also provides a fascinating insight into the world-leading research being undertaken at University College Cork by APC Microbiome Ireland where researchers are investigating how gut microbes can influence human circadian rhythm to impact obesity, metabolic disease and brain function.  


Circadian Rhythms and Sleep: Biology to New Therapeutics

As part of the Circadian Rhythms exhibition at Glucksman Gallery, APC Microbiome Ireland SFI Research Centre is delighted to host a public lecture:

Circadian Rhythms and Sleep: Biology to New Therapeutics”

Professor Russell Foster CBE BSc PhD DSc FRSB FMedSci FRS

Director, Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi), Head, Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology,

University of Oxford.


Admission is FREE and ALL are WELCOME

Please note: the Circadian Rhythms exhibition at Glucksman Gallery will remain open until 7pm to facilitate visiting prior to the lecture.

This event is supported by Yakult Ireland.





As part of the Circadian Rhythms exhibition at Glucksman Gallery, APC Microbiome Ireland SFI Research Centre is delighted to host a public lecture:

Circadian Rhythms and Sleep: Biology to New Therapeutics

Professor Russell Foster CBE BSc PhD DSc FRSB FMedSci FRS

Director, Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi), Head, Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology, University of Oxford.

on Thursday 3rd October 2019 at 7pm

in Boole 1 lecture theatre, University College Cork, College Road, CORK

Admission is FREE and ALL are WELCOME

Please register your attendance on Eventbrite HERE

Please note: the Circadian Rhythms exhibition at Glucksman Gallery will remain open until 7pm to facilitate visiting prior to the lecture.

This Public Lecture is supported by Yakult.

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
