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News Archive 2018

Prof Cryan & colleagues appear in RTE Documentary "Stressed"

14 Jun 2018

'Stressed' a RTE production aired on RTE1 over two concectuive nights explored the science of stress.

Journalist Jennifer O'Connell travels to UCC to meet Prof Cryan and his team and chat with them about their current studies into stress and their advances in the development of psychobiotics. Psychobiotics have the potential to build up the brain, and even lead to reduced stress and anxiety levels. In the second installment of RTÉ's documentary Stressed, presenter Jennifer O'Connell replicated a study of Professor John Cryan's where she took a probiotic for 4 weeks, with clear results and benefits.

 Dr Caitlin Cowan Caitlin postdoctoral researcher in Prof John F. Cryan’s lab puts Jennifer through the 'socially-evaluated cold pressor test'Colleague Prof Ted Dinan chats about current research findingsDr Gerry Moloney, analysing Jennifer's Cortisol levels

Watch the full programme on RTE Player

And Related article

Further information about psychobiotics is contained in this recent book from the APC scientists who featured in the ‘Stressed’ documentary, Prof John Cryan and Prof Ted Dinan: The Psychobiotic Revolution: Mood, Food, and the New Science of the Gut-Brain Connection. It’s available in all good bookshops and also online.

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
