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News archive 2017

FLAME team gets new Technical Officer

29 Mar 2017
Wayne Sheehan (Photo B.Riedewald)

The FLAME lab are delighted to welcome new Technical Officer Wayne Sheehan to their team.  Having worked in a variety of careers to date Wayne is looking forward to his new position in the department.

Living in the countryside in Glenville with his wife and two young boys, Shane has many interests including Muay Thai (Thai boxing) cooking keeping fit and travelling. Wayne has already had two other very interesting careers. He trained as a professional stonemason continuing a family tradition and enjoys the artistic side of the craft, having carried out many renovation projects and built many handcrafted stone walls.  Prior to joining the family craft Wayne took to the high seas with the Irish Navy which he describes as a fantastic opportunity to travel at a young age and see far flung places. Looking for new challenges home from the high seas and in from the cold Irish winters, Wayne is bringing his other skills to the fore as a technical officer with the department. We welcome him and wish him well.

(Photo B.Riedewald)

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
