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News archive 2017

Dr Lone presents paper at Symposium in George Washington University

20 Dec 2017

Dr Mutahira Lone,  presented a paper at the ‘Knowledge Retention Across Curricular Models’ symposium held in the George Washington University, Washington D.C. on the 8th of December. 

In her presentation Dr Lone outlined the current innovative methods used to teach anatomy at University College Cork. She also discussed the timeline and requisites for collecting data for the project. 

Dr Lone in collaboration with her colleague  Dr Joy Balta, have established a research collaboration with George Washington University looking at the memory retention of anatomical knowledge of medical students. This will be a multicentre international  collaboration with Universities in Europe and the Middle-East. The data will be collected via questionnaires and retention of anatomical knowledge will be assessed in the clinical years of the medical curricula providing insight into students’ memory retention of core anatomy modules. This project will quantify the gap in anatomical knowledge during the clinical years and help design the framework for curriculum reform.

Dr Lone  graduated with a degree in dentistry from Karachi University, Pakistan and has been a senior demonstrator in the department of Anatomy and Neuroscienc FLAME laboratory for the past number of years. She completed a PhD in the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience recently, and is currently lecturer in anatomy,



Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
