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News Archive 2016

John Cryan microbiome and the mind on BBC Radio 4 'All in the Mind' Series

1 Jun 2016

'Could we see a day when certain gut bacteria are used in the treatment of depression and anxiety?' Neuroscientist John Cryan explores the science with Claudia Hammond on the 'All in the Mind' series on BBC Radio 4

In this week's episode 'The Depressed Cake Shop, Gut bacteria and the mind, The perils of perception' Professor John Cryan, who has just published a review of the current state of the field in the Journal Genome Medicine, discusses the the impact of gut bacteria on our minds and the possibility that bacteria might influence our moods.

'All in the Mind' is an established BBC RADIO 4 weekly half-hour radio programme which explores the limits and potential of the human mind, and is presented by Claudia Hammond. This week's episode aired 21.00hrs Tuesday 31st May 2016  'The Depressed Cake Shop, Gut bacteria and the mind, The perils of perception' can be linked to at

(Gut bacteria and the mind begins at 13min 24s)

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
