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News Archive 2016

‘BRAINTALK’ project featured in Irish Research Council Annual Report

9 Aug 2016

Congratulations to Dr. Shane Hegarty, Dr. Gerard O’Keeffe and Professor Aideen Sullivan, whose BRAINTALK project has been selected as a 'fascinating project' by the The Irish Research Council and features in their Annual Report 2015 just published. Link to section of IRC Annual Report

BRAINTALK, an acronym for 'Brain Research And Individuals Networking for Teaching, Assisting, Learning and Knowledge’, is an ongoing public engagement project founded by Dr. Shane Hegarty, Dr. Gerard O’Keeffe and Professor Aideen Sullivan, Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience. The project aims to create an active and interconnected Parkinson’s community in Ireland, which together strives to improve the management and research outcomes of Parkinson's Disease.

In 2015 the BRAINTALK project was granted the prestigious New Foundations Award by the Irish Research Council. With the support of the Irish Research Council, the ‘Parkinson’s Community Meeting', the ‘Living with Parkinson's Exhibition', and the ‘Exploring Parkinson’s with Art Workshop' events took place. Bringing together people with Parkinson’s, their carers, researchers, therapists, neurologists and neuroscientists to exchange and disseminate knowledge, these BRAINTALK project activities have been hugely successful, and have received outstanding feedback. 

Download full Irish Research Council report, ref pages 22-23  IRC Annual Report 2015


World Parkinson's Awareness day profiles work of BRAINTALK team

In addition to choosing the ‘BRAINTALK’ project for the Annual Report 2015, the Irish Research Council also profiled the Parkinson’s disease research of Dr. Shane Hegarty, Dr. Gerard O’Keeffe and Professor Aideen Sullivan for ‘World Parkinson’s Awareness Day’ in April 2016. 

Link to article:

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
