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News Archive2015

Prof Cryan gives Distinguished Lecture at NIH

16 Oct 2015

'It’s long been known that the brain communicates with the gut—think of “gut-wrenching” moments or “following your gut”—but recent research suggests the brain-gut connection actually goes both ways' Prof John Cryan discusses his research in a distinguished lecture at NIH.

Learn more about psychobiotics and the brain, gut, and microbiome interaction at Dr. Cryan’s talk as part of the Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series at The National Institutes of Health USA 

Videocast in link below

John F. Cryan, Ph.D., Professor and Chair in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience at the University College Cork, Ireland
Towards Psychobiotics: The Microbiome as a Key Regulator of Brain and Behavior”


Fast Facts about the Gut-Brain Connection

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
