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News Archive2015

Dr Roman Stilling recognised as exceptional early stage career researcher by IRC

11 Jun 2015
Pictured left to right: Roman Stilling, Owen Byrne, Jessica Hayes, Shalini Singh, Thomas Higgins and Mariana Bexiga. Picture Jason Clarke Photography

Dr Roman Stilling, a Postdoctoral Fellow (Prof. Cryan’s Laboratory) in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience and APC, has been recognised as exceptional early stage career researcher by Irish Research Council and has been selected to participate in the prestigious Lindau Nobel Lauerate meeting in Linday Germany.

Dr Stilling was among five other exceptional early stage career researchers under the age of 35 who were recognised for their excellence in the natural sciences at a special event in the RDS yesterday. The six researchers from UCD, Trinity College, NUI Galway, UCC and the University of Limerick will, later this month, travel to Lindau, Germany, to participate in the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting. 

The researchers won through a fierce global competition to earn places at the event and they will join over 650 scientists from across the world to engage in a week-long series of lectures, discussions and masterclasses in the presence of 66 Nobel Laureates. The attendance of the researchers at the event, is being funded by the Irish Research Council.

Held for the first time in 1951 the Lindau Meetings are a unique platform for an intergenerational dialogue between scientists and provide an internationally recognised forum for knowledge exchange between generations of scientists. Each year 20 to 30 Nobel Laureates congregate in Lindau to meet the next generation of leading scientists in a given field. Only the 650 most qualified young scientists can be given the opportunity to enrich and share the unique atmosphere of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings.

Extract from Irish Research Council Website see full article

Further information Lindau Nobel Lauerate Meetings

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
