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News Archive 2014

Dr. Shane Hegarty awarded IRC funded post-doctoral research fellowship.

10 Nov 2014

Congratulations to Dr. Shane Hegarty Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience on the award of an IRC funded post-doctoral research fellowship.

Dr. Shane Hegarty has been awarded a Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellowship by the Irish Research Council.  The project, supervised by Dr. Gerard O’Keeffe and Dr. Aideen Sullivan, will explore a new molecular mechanism that we have identified that controls how neurons grow in the developing brain and potential how they are lost in an aging one.

By identifying the mechanisms that control brain development how these mechanisms are changed as the brain ages we aim to develop new therapies for promoting the survival and growth of neurons across the life-span.

For a brief ovreview of our work in this area, click here:


Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
