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Farewell reception for Dr Kathy Quane held in Jennings Gallery UCC

12 Feb 2024
Professor of Anatomy John Cryan and Professor Aideen Sullivan Head of Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience presenting goodbye gifts to Dr Kathy Quane.

Staff from the School of Medicine College of Medicine and Health and the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience gathered on 23rd November 2023 in the Jennings Gallery Brookfield Health Sciences to celebrate the contribution their colleague Dr Kathy Quane had made to the teaching of Anatomy in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience.

A medical graduate of UCC and a former student in the department of Anatomy Dr Kathy Quane qualified with her MB BCh BAO and subsequently received a PhD for research work in the Department of Biochemistry UCC. Kathy secured a Wellcome Trust / Health Research Board ‘New Blood’ Research Fellowship while at the Dept of Medicine UCC working on the molecular genetics of common disorders.

She joined the department of Anatomy in 1996 as a part time lecturer in Anatomy and took a full-time position as college lecturer from 2003.

As the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience expanded over the years Kathy had an increasing and very high teaching load, co-ordinating and delivering modules in Anatomy to several programmes in the College of Medicine and Health. She had particular responsibility for the teaching and delivery of Anatomy on the Direct and Graduate Entry Medicine programmes, the Medical and Health Sciences programme and the BSc Nursing and Midwifery programmes.

Kathy's teaching was extremely highly regarded by students, her attention to detail and excellent teaching abilities and clinical knowledge were constantly cited in student feedback. In 2016 Kathy Quane was presented with the award of Outstanding Teacher in year 1 to 3 of the Direct Entry Medical Programme by Professor Mary Horgan Dean School of Medicine and UCC President Michael Murphy, at the School of Medicine Graduation Dinner in the UCC Aula Maxima, having been nominated and voted for the award by the graduating class of 2016.

In addition to her lecturing duties Kathy was also Academic Lead for the FLAME teaching laboratory, co-ordinating the delivery of practical Anatomy teaching to multiple 

In addition to her lecturing duties Kathy was also Academic Lead for the FLAME teaching laboratory, co-ordinating the delivery of practical Anatomy teaching to multiple programmes, as well as the Senior Medical Demonstrators and technical staff in the FLAME laboratory. She was instrumental in overseeing the historical and successful relocation of Anatomy teaching from the Windle Building to the Western Gateway FLAME laboratory in 2011.

During the difficult Covid-19 lockdowns Kathy ensured that the undergraduate anatomy teaching continued to her exacting standards, she created, recorded and delivered detailed anatomy online lectures to undergraduate students and with her expertise in CANVAS created and hosted secure online examinations, all of the time supporting and encouraging the first year to third year undergraduate students who were working online from home.  

Kathy also covered a large range of academic administrative duties. In addition to oversight of the Foundations in Medicine modules for many years, Kathy was the Direct Entry Medicine Year 1 coordinator from 2017-2021. She was the  Departmental liaison with the School of Nursing and Midwifery, and was the point of contact with the external examiners in Anatomy throughout her years in the Department.

As a work colleague Kathy was a friend and a highly competent and very professional colleague, she was highly regarded by all of her colleagues who while sad to see her leaving UCC would like to wish her every happiness in her future career and endeavours. 


Congratulations Dr Kathy Quane receives Outstanding Teacher Award

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
