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Collaboration with History Department brings da Vinci expert Pascal Brioist to lecture on Leonardo and Anatomy

23 Feb 2024
Professor Brendan Dooley, Professor of Renaissance Studies UCC, Professor Pascal Brioist Department of History and Archaeology, University of Tours and Professor Aideen Sullivan, Head of Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience UCC

The UCC Renaissance Studies, CACCSSS and Erasmus Plus 'Leonardo comes to UCC' lecture series saw da Vinci expert, Pascal Brioist present four lectures on four consecutive days in UCC. The series culminated with the Leonardo and Anatomy lecture which was supported by the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience and took place in Brookfield Health Science Complex G.05 on Thursday February 15th, 2024. 

Professor Aideen Sullivan, Head of Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, opened the final lecture of the lecture series. Warmly welcoming Professor Brioist from the University of Tours to UCC and the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, she reflected on the influence that Leonardo da Vinci had on the science of anatomy, and then invited Professor Brendan Dooley, Professor of Renaissance Studies UCC to introduce Professor Pascal Brioist.

Describing Professor Briost as not only a historian and researcher of many decades on the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci but also a historical reenactor, and prolific author, Professor Dooley added that in Renaissance circles Professor Brioist is known as ‘the corrector’ for his expertise and diligence in identifying and correcting the many errors that too often appear in the literature about da Vinci, and also for identifying and attributing discovered work to da Vinci and rescinding erroneously attributed work.

Professor Brioist in his Leonardo and Anatomy lecture brought the audience on a fascinating journey, beginning with exploration of Leonardo’s life; the son of a slave mother, workshop trained, and how without a university education he challenged centuries of knowledge and works of the great thinkers Galen, Aristotle, and Hippocrates. Brioist's lecture brought the audience along the human and historical path tracing the influences and learning which enabled and inspired da Vinci to create his anatomical drawings, paintings, and engineering and inventions sketches. Professor Brioist dissected the work of Leonardo exploring his huge understanding of and contribution to the science of anatomy. Ending the lecture with a nod to da Vinci’s love of innovation Professor Brioist analysed the famous ‘Last Supper’ with 3D computer animation, and in doing so illustrated the exacting anatomist that was Leonardo da Vinci.

Professor Pascal Brioist is the author of numerous books concerning Renaissance art, architecture, warfare and culture, including, in 2024, a biography of Leonardo da Vinci; and in 2019, as editor, the Gallimard edition of Leonardo’s notebooks. He regularly collaborates on French TV and radio and holds the distinction of Chevalier des Palmes Académiques. Professor Brioist currently teaches in the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Tours.

Professor Brioist encouraged the audience to explore further da Vinci's life and work in a digital project that he contributed to; The Renaissance Transmedia Lab in the first section Leonardo's footsteps - Sur les pas de Leonard,   Professor Pascal Brioist walks in the footsteps of Leonardo da Vinci and enters the creative universe of the famous Italian engineer in detailed sections he explores specific aspects of Leonardo's life and work; The Myth, Tuscany, Florence, Man of War, Military Engineer, Scientist, Architect, Technician, Master of the Elements, Director, Painter,  Anatomist and relationship with France

See also:  Leonardo Municipal Library of Vinci which owns the complete collection of editions of Leonardo's works starting from 1651.

The UCC lecture series programme is available for download hereLeonardo comes to UCC Lecture Series February 12th-15th 2024.pdf


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News item and Photos Bereniece Riedewald.

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

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