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2014 news dupl

"Bacteria & The Brain: Friends With Social Benefits"

11 Nov 2014

"Bacteria & The Brain: Friends With Social Benefits" Professor John Cryan will speak at APC Public Forum Superbugs: Friends & Foes

As part of this week's  Celebrate Science Festival the APC presents a Public Forum tomorrow night Wednesday 12th November 8pm entitled Superbugs: Friends & Foes.

Professor John Cryan will deliver a talk entilted "Bacteria & The Brain: Friends With Social Benefits"

Dr Mary Horgan, Dean School of Medicine, UCC & Consultant in Infectious Diseases at Cork University Hospital "Superbugs as foes - Influenza and Ebola - which poses the greater threat in Ireland?"  and

Professor Colin Hill, Chair of Microbial Food Safety, UCC & Principal Investigator APC "Fighting infection with Superbugs"


APC Public Forum Superbugs: Friends & Foes

Wednesday 12th November 8pm UCC Western Gateway Building Lecture Theatre G05

All are Welcome

More details

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
