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New appointments

17 Sep 2020

New appointments as Adjunct Clinical Lecturer at UCC.

Congratulations to the following on their appointments to UCC as Adjunct Clinical Lecturer for the
coming academic year (2020/21).
Dr. Emma May Lyons (MUH)
Dr Aogán Ó Muircheartaigh (CUH)
Dr John Robert Sheehan (CUH)
Dr Aoife O'Loughlin (CUH)
Dr. Corina Soare (CUH)

The role of Adjunct Clinical Lecturer is newly established by the School of Medicine and entails developing and delivering teaching to medical students and doctors in training. Our new ACLs have been informed of their appointments by Professor Paula O’Leary, Dean of the School of Medicine. The appointments are made by the President of UCC based on the recommendations of the theAdjunct Committee of the College of Medicine and Health. Our Department is grateful to the appointees for taking on these extra responsibilities and wish them well for the year ahead.

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
