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Dr Rodney Meeke's retirement party

12 Jul 2020

A bitter-sweet memory will be the retirement of Dr Rodney Meeke. To call him a legend is an understatement. He is an excellent clinician, an enthusiastic teacher, and an absolute gentleman. He is hugely popular with staff throughout the hospital. Given the need for social distancing, the CUH canteen was utilised to facilitate colleagues (current and retired) from the CUH and the other city hospitals to wish him well. The guests of honour were his daughter Joanna and son Dr James Meeke. Rodney will be missed but we wish him the very best in his future adventures.

On 30 June 2020, Cork University Hospital bidded farewell to a legendary Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist, Dr Rodney Meeke. Rodney qualified from TCD in 1978 and became a Fellow of the College of Anaesthesiologist of Ireland in 1982. Following his initial training in Ireland, he pursued a Fellowship in University of Western Ontario, Canada before returning to a Consultant position in Cork University Hospital in 1987.

Rodney was a truly great Anaesthesiologist and Intensive Care Doctor, nothing was a problem for him. He made massive contributions to both the development of the Department of Anaesthesia and the Intensive Care Unit. Loved by all, he was not only a Surgeons Anaesthesiologist but also an Anaesthesiologist’s Anaesthesiologist, a rare compliment to give a doctor in our speciality. He was genuinely available at all hours and helped many colleagues in grave situations, without a thought, never being judgemental. Rodney not only gave endless hours of his time to bedside teaching and lecturing of trainees in his own specialty but also to junior doctors from other specialties, especially surgery, to student nurses, to physiotherapists and allied health colleagues. He served time as Secretary of the South of Ireland Association of Anaesthetists from 1996-2000 and then as President from 2014 to 2018.

Rodney always carried himself with great dignity through difficult times and demonstrated huge kindness to both patients and colleagues, no matter what their level seniority or importance, throughout his career. He has been an example to many of us and will be sadly missed. He leaves a great legacy in our Department, throughout Cork University Hospital plus the Intensive care and Anaesthetic community in Ireland. We wish him along, happy and well deserved retirement with his his two children, Joanna and James (who qualified in Medicine from UCC in June 2020).


Chris Murphy CMM, Deirdre Bateman midwife CUMH


Dental crew


Rodney and his cakes


Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
