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Second Lecture as part of the Seán Ó Murchú Lecture Series in ACE

6 Apr 2022

This week’s lecture takes place at 7pm on Wednesday 6th April in City Hall’s Council Chamber and is offered in collaboration with the Learning Cities Festival. Our speaker is Donald Tracy, who has travelled from Austin Community College (ACC) in Texas to participate in the Festival’s week of events.

Donald’s lecture is entitled ‘The Community’s College: Engaging the Whole Community’ and will focus on the critical role played by Adult and Continuing Education in all areas of the community at large. Donald’s talk will highlight the exciting work taking place in Continuing Education both in his home country and within ACE in Ireland.

Adult Continuing Education

Aosoideachas Leanúnach

The Laurels, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, T12 EH31
