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An Introduction to Astronomy

13 Mar 2018

The course aims to provide participants with a working knowledge of the night sky and equip them with some of the skills they would need to become a Star Gazing Guide. It will take place on Friday 23rd March 5pm - 9:30pm and Saturday 24th March 9:30am - 5:30pm.

The course provides an introduction to astronomy, from an observational viewpoint, starting with the Earth and its local environment within the Solar System, moving to the Galaxy, and to the Universe at large. An introduction to the connection between archaeology and astronomy will also be discussed and course participants will have the opportunity to observe the night sky (weather permitting). Additionally, participants can achieve 5 ECTS credits towards the Diploma in Local and Regional Studies if they wish to do so by completing the required module assessment at the end of the event. Course Fee: €50 which includes lunch, teas and coffees.


17.00pm - Arrival and Registration

17.30pm - Brief Astronomical History

18.30pm - Break

19.00pm - What is a star?

20.15pm - Observing the sky (outdoors)

21.30pm - Conclusion


9.30am - Our Solar System and Others

10.30am - Galaxies and Cosmology

11.30am - Dark matter, Dark Energy

12.15am - Overview of Assessment

12.30pm - Lunch (provided)

13.30pm - Origins of Archaeoastronomy

15.00pm - Break

15.30pm - Monuments and Time

17.30pm - Finish

More information about this event can be found here:Astronomy Flyer for Skellig CRI

Adult Continuing Education

Aosoideachas Leanúnach

The Laurels, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, T12 EH31
