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ACE Presents its Annual Bertram Windle Award to the Cork Adult Education Council

5 Nov 2018
ACE Director Dr. Séamus O Tuama and UCC President Patrick O' Shea with Members of the Cork Adult Education Council and Local Artist Tom Little

Adult Continuing Education presented its annual Bertram Windle Award  at the Winter conferring ceremony in City Hall on the 25th of October 2018. It was presented to the Cork Adult Education Council to recognise their great achievement of contributing towards the advancement of Lifelong Learning in Cork City.

The Bertram Windle Award was created in 2017 in celebration of ACE’s 70th anniversary, this new award was developed to recognize outstanding contributions to Adult Education and advocating access for non-traditional students. Bertram Windle was a doctor, a scientist, an an archaeologist, an anthropologist, a writer and president of University College Cork. During his time in Ireland between 1904 and 1919, he had a major impact on the development of higher education and the development of the National University of Ireland.

Cork Adult Education Council was founded in 1972 and is a wholly volutary organisation that is dedicated to bringing together various organisations and groups in order to promote adult education in Cork. The award presented to the council was a specially comissioned piece designed by local artist Tom Little (pictured below). A huge congratulations to all of the members of the Cork Adult Education Council for all of their tremendous work.

Local Artist Tom Little with the specially comissioned award piece
















Adult Continuing Education

Aosoideachas Leanúnach

The Laurels, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, T12 EH31
