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Many North Cork Traveller children face barriers to education, research finds

27 Sep 2023
  • New research has found many children are experiencing ‘high levels’ of disadvantage.
  • This research explores the barriers to education for Traveller children.
  • The report outlines 20 recommendations.

A new report has revealed that there are significant barriers to education faced by Traveller children living in the north Cork region. The report has discovered that many children still experience ‘high levels of disadvantage’ across the area.

The report by Dr Patricia McGrath at Adult Continuing Education in collaboration with Travellers of North Cork (TNC) looks at the issues affecting the Travelling Community. It includes experiences of those in the Travelling community and the barriers to progression from one level of education to the next that they have faced.

Dr Patricia McGrath said: "Historically, Irish Traveller children have encountered significant disadvantages within the Irish education system. Despite the Government's commitment to reducing this disadvantage and improving progression rates to Further and Higher education, this research finds that barriers to education persist for Traveller children in primary and secondary schools. It is essential to address these challenges throughout a child's life journey, ensuring schools have adequate resources to support Traveller children.”

“With the necessary supports in place, Traveller children ought to transition successfully from primary to secondary schools, levelling the playing field to give them the opportunity to progress to further and higher education and achieve their full potential,” Dr Patricia McGrath said.

Key findings in the report include:

  • A scarcity of National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) assessments in primary schools, which is essential for identifying and addressing additional educational needs.
  • A lack of Traveller Cultural Awareness Training in schools and in the curriculum, contributing to non-inclusive environments where children feel marginalized.
  • Schools that acknowledge and celebrate Traveller Culture are highlighted as welcoming environments and models of good practice for others to follow.
  • The research identifies the lack of Traveller Cultural awareness in teacher training colleges, calling for the inclusion of trauma-informed practices and Traveller Culture Awareness in teacher training programs.
  • Some schools still segregate children into Traveller-only classrooms, a practice that should have been eliminated in the past.
  • The report found that early school leaving is encouraged, with some teachers actively encouraging children to leave school once they reach the legal age of sixteen.
  • Low expectations of Traveller children in schools perpetuate barriers to progression from primary to secondary education and beyond.

The report makes 20 recommendations how to improve the educational experience and rates of progression for Traveller children, including that all schools should have Traveller Cultural Awareness Training; all schools should actively promote cultural identity, diversity and inclusion for all children, and specific funding should be made available for schools to support Traveller students to progress in education.

The report was launched at an event on Wednesday, 27 September at UCC.

Adult Continuing Education

Aosoideachas Leanúnach

The Laurels, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, T12 EH31
