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Short courses

ACE at UCC is the country's largest provider of short courses in the Irish university sector. We offer an unrivalled range of courses across a wide range of subjects and topics, including history, literature, music, genealogy, local history, creative writing, politics, philosophy, and art history. Topics relevant to environmental issues include climate change, permaculture and deep ecology. We also have a suite of courses in the professional development category, for instance, life, business and team coaching, confident communication, and leadership and conflict resolution.

People chose to participate in our courses for many reasons; many like to engage more deeply in special interests or to test what university life is like in deciding whether returning to education for longer programmes of study is a good fit. And of course, the social dimension to courses is of great value in bringing people together in a community of shared interests. Whatever the reason for taking a short course, we offer the best quality teaching based on the research activities of our lecturing team. 

UCC's Short Course Programme Spring 2024

Adult Continuing Education, University College Cork, is pleased to present a newly augmented range of short courses for the Spring 2024. Full details of all courses are available to view at Adult and Continuing Education ( and the programme at a glance is available to view UCC Spring 2024 Course Programmes

Since 2005, ACE has offered an extensive programme of short courses for the autumn/winter and spring academic semesters. The number of courses on offer has increased steadily over the years as has the number of participants that are attracted to our programmes. We are now one of the leading providers of short courses in an Irish university context with a wide portfolio of courses in the following areas: 

  • Art, Art History & Culture
  • Literature & Creative Writing
  • History & Genealogy, Anthropology & Folklore 
  • Climate, the Environment & Sustainable Living 
  • Personal & Professional Development

For Spring 2024, we have a full programme of over 30 courses on offer and full details of all 35 courses are available to view at 


Important News and Dates:

  • Online and on-campus courses: For Spring 2024 our short courses will be delivered on campus in UCC and online. The details are delivery i.e. if the course is on campus or online are included in the description of each course- see visit Spring Short Courses 2024. For details at a glance see the listings UCC Spring 2024 Course Programmes
  • Registration: We have a new registration system in operation since 2021 for short course bookings. To help you navigate the registration site we have created a detailed guide to bring you through the various steps in booking a course. Please find the guide here ACE Short Course Catalogue Guide to help you should you need assistance with booking a short course. 

How to Book a Short Course

Select your Course at and once you click the enroll button, follow the steps below

1. Create an account - 2. Pay for your course - 3. Register for your online learning site called CANVAS.

Please note: steps 1-3 are mandatory steps and you are not fully registered unless all three are completed

  1. Select the course you wish to book at Spring Courses and click on the Enrol button. 
  2. Enter your name and email details
  3. Pay with your card details
  4. Once payment is made, the booking system will signal that you are 'Ready to Begin' and the page will prompt you to go to your email address to access your Confirmation Email
  5. Click on the link in your Confirmation Email.
  6. A Welcome Aboard notice will ask you to register for CANVAS by entering your email address and creating a password
  7. Once this step is completed you will be taken to your CANVAS account
  8. Please note that your CANVAS account will be closed for access until your course begins. 

Post- course booking: Quick Access your CATALOGUE CANVAS Account for the Duration of your Course. 

  1. Log into your Catalogue account: 
  2. Click on the entry portal on the right-hand side of the screen 
  3. Enter your email and password
  4. Click on the name on the top right hand corner and select "Student Dashboard"
  5. The drop-down menu will give you access to CANVAS option.
  • Dates: The closing date for applications is Monday 29 January 2024. All courses will begin the week commencing 6 February 2024 (Monday courses beginning 12 February to accomodate the bank holiday weekend).

Adult Continuing Education

Aosoideachas Leanúnach

The Laurels, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, T12 EH31
