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Regulatory Science Ireland connects with Cork Pharmaceutical Industry

10 Sep 2015
Anne Bradley (Astellas Ireland), Frank Hallinan (Adjunct Professor UCC School of Pharmacy), Mike Morris (HPRA), Professor Catriona O'Driscoll (UCC School of Pharmacy) and Kevin O'Donnell (HPRA) (Photo: Emmet Curtin)

The ever-increasing complexity of health care products requires a data driven, evidence based approach to their regulation. Regulatory Science Ireland (RSI) is a national response to these developments, and held a seminar on Tuesday September 8th in Cork to strengthen links with the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device industry.

RSI’s mission is to unite stakeholders- including Academia, Pharmaceutical and Medtech industries, the Regulator and Government agencies- in the pursuit of an integrated Irish response to global Regulatory Science initiatives. By utilising a scientific approach from a range of scientific disciplines, RSI will assist in informing regulatory decision making throughout the lifecycle of a medicine and medical devices.

Dr Frank Hallinan, Adjunct Professor from UCC’s School of Pharmacy, chaired a round-table Q&A session in which RSI’s role in facilitating Irish contributions to an effective response to the increasing complexity of health care products and their associated regulatory systems, in addition to creating a cohort of Irish based regulatory science experts was discussed. “The benefits of RSI are diverse and wide-ranging. Our seminar will not only facilitate Irish contributions to an effective response to the increasing complexity of Health Care Products and their associated Regulatory System it further strengthens the value proposition of Ireland as an attractive location for Health Care Product related activities.”

The seminar also heard from Dr Kevin O’Donnell, Health Products Regulatory Authority, about the RSI Quality Research Project, ‘generating knowledge from defect data’ whilst Professor Caitriona O’Driscoll from UCC’s School of Pharmacy outlined RSI’s mission, progress and future plans to attendees.

Academic Health Sciences

Acadúil na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte

College of Medicine and Health, 3rd Floor, Erinville Hospital, Western Road, University College Cork, T12 EKDO
