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Technical Groups

Technical Groups

UV-technology is especially studied by TG-1

  • to develop an integrated vision of the role of UV-B in plant growth across a range of organisational levels and natural and agricultural systems,
  • to strengthen of ties with potential stakeholders, including researchers, food and feed industries, horticultural and agricultural enterprises, and policy-makers involved in environmental and agronomic management.

Dissemination TG-2

  • to establish a register of network output (i.e. publications and other reports),
  • to establish and maintain contacts with relevant stakeholders,

Training and Education TG-3

  • coordinate all exchange activities (STSM),
  • promote participation of Early Stage Researchers (ESR).

If interested in the UV4Growth Action, please feel free to contact Dr. Marcel Jansen ( or the relevant leader of a particular workpackage.
