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Training Workshop Statistics - Helsinki

TG1 Training School on data analysis in photobiological research


The promised fourth training school organized by TG1 "UV technology" will take place in Helsinki, Finland, on 17-19 February 2014. The focus will be on R as a tool for data analysis in photobiological research. We plan to have a short introduction to statistics in relation to design of UV experiments and data analysis. However, most of the course will focus on using R for data analysis and plotting, and a suite of R packages for photobiological calculations that we are currently developing will be introduced.

On line pre-registration is open from today, and there is a page with information on the TG1 blog, and further information will be given through the blog. We can accept 18 students from outside Finland, and about 5 from Finland. The prerequisites are basic knowledge of statistics (one or two university level courses) and a willingness to learn something new and to work hard at it. COST will refund part of the accommodation and travel expenses of the participants, but participants will have to pay a registration fee to cover lunches, snacks and coffee/tea to be served during breaks and printing costs.

You will find more information at and more directly at

Pre-registration form is at but please, read the description of the course, before submitting the form.

Even if you are not planning to participate in the training school you may be interested in visiting the blog from time to time, as there is other information that you could find useful: You can download the pdf of the Handbook of methods that TG1 published last year, and an on line report on testing of spectrometers, that we hope to be able to expand in the future. There is also information about the R packages that accompany the handbook, and others developed after its publication.
