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15-16/04/13 Mikulov, Czech Republic - LARGE NETWORK MEETING

15-16/04/13 Mikulov, Czech Republic

The large, general network meeting will take place 15-16 April 2013, with a welcome reception in the evening of April 14. The meeting will be held in Mikulov, in the Czech-Republic, which is within easy reach of Vienna Airport.

There will be two full days of plenary and short talks, oral poster presentations, as well as short reports from the various reviewing/best practice groups. The four sessions will reflect the main research interests in UV4Growth, focussing on (1) UV-signaling, (2) UV-induced metabolites and human health, (3) organisms under UV-B and (4) UV-B and ecological interactions. Prof. Otmar Urban is the chair of the organising committee.

The meeting will be followed by a training school on 17-18 April 2013 and the annual MC-meeting. We hope the meeting will be as successful as its predecessor, the meeting in February 2011 in Szeged, which attracted nearly 90 attendees.

Organiser Prof. Otmar Urban.


For registration, please visit the Meeting web site at:

The site allows you to make the registration, submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations and to pay the registration fee via credit cards. Hopefully you'll find the web page as useful already for planning your trip. More details will be added later, so please keep visiting.

If you had already pre-registered, and want to pay please refer to instructions

Please let your colleagues know about the Annual Meeting.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact the conference secretariat. Our e-mail addresses are on the web site.

We hope to see you in Mikulov next April.


The scientific programme for the meeting has now been finalised and can be found from the link below:

Scientific Programme UV4growth Network Meeting
