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Anti-Treaty Soldier Thomas (Tom) Lane


Anti-Treaty Soldier Thomas (Tom) Lane of Shannonvale near Clonakilty (Ring near Clonakilty)

Date of incident: 26 Dec. 1922

Source: CE, 4 Jan. 1923.

Note: The skirmish in and around the public house at Ring near Clonakilty on St Stephen’s Night 1922 was now said to have resulted in the mortal wounding of Thomas Lane and in the severe wounding of a more famous IRA man—John ‘Flyer’ Nyhan of Clonakilty, a member of the Flying Column of the West Cork Brigade until his capture by the British at Shannonvale in late December 1920. In spite of his wounds, Nyhan had escaped in the darkness. Lane’s death soon after the skirmish was confirmed. ‘The two irregulars captured on the occasion were found under a heap of apples in the public-house. Another irregular named Donovan was also captured during the night. The arms taken included a Thompson gun and a Lee Enfield rifle.’ See CE, 4 Jan. 1923.

The Irish Revolution Project

Scoil na Staire /Tíreolaíocht

University College Cork, Cork,
