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RIC Constable Arthur Frederick Kenward

RIC Constable Arthur Frederick Kenward (aged 20) from Surrey (Crossbarry ambush)

Date of incident: 19 March 1921

Sources: Death Certificate, 19 March 1921; CE, 21, 22, 23 March 1921; Times, 21 March 1921; FJ, 22 March 1921; CC, 23 March 1921; CCE, 26 March 1921; Military Inquests, WO 35/152/75 (TNA); Peter Kearney’s WS 444, 5-9 (BMH); William Norris’s WS 595, 9-11 (BMH); William Desmond’s WS 832, 37-44, 48-49 (BMH); Michael Coleman’s WS 1254, 13-16 (BMH); William McCarthy’s WS 1255, 8-11 (BMH); Timothy Warren’s WS 1275, 14-15 (BMH); Timothy Keohane’s WS 1295, 9-11 (BMH); Daniel Holland’s WS 1341, 9-12 (BMH); Michael J. Crowley’s WS 1603, 18-20 (BMH); James Doyle’s WS 1640, 17-20 (BMH); Florence Begley’s WS 1771, 1-5 (BMH); Deasy (1973), 348-50; Rebel Cork’s FS, 157-60; Abbott (2000), 210-11; ‘The Irish Rebellion in the 6th Division Area’, Irish Sword, 27 (Spring 2010), 96; Kautt (2010), 138-48; Kingston (2013), 19. 


Note: Constable Kenward was killed and his comrade Contable Rennie was wounded in an attempt by police and soldiers to surround an IRA Flying Column in the Lissagroom district near Upton during the Crossbarry ambush. See the next entry. Kenward was employed as a driver and was stationed at Bandon. He had only about six months of service with the RIC when he was killed on 19 March 1921; he had previously been a soldier and a motor fitter. His body was returned to England for burial on 24 March (he was originally from Surrey). See Abbott (2000), 210-11.

The Irish Revolution Project

Scoil na Staire /Tíreolaíocht

University College Cork, Cork,
