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RIC Constable Arthur William Kane or Cane

RIC Constable Arthur William Kane or Cane (aged 37) from London (Coolnacahera or Coolavokig near Macroom)

Date of incident: 25 Feb. 1921

Sources: CE, 26, 28 Feb. 1921; FJ, 26, 28 Feb. 1921; CC, 26 Feb., 1 March 1921; CCE, 26 Feb. 1921; New York Times, 26 Feb. 1921; II, 28 Feb. 1921; Weekly Summary of Outrages against the Police (CO 904/148-50, TNA); Military Inquests, WO 35/147A/33 (TNA); Seán Culhane’s WS 746, 15 (BMH); Jeremiah Murphy’s WS 772, 7-8 (BMH); Charles Browne’s WS 873, 33-38 (BMH); Patrick O’Sullivan’s WS 878, 15-16 (BMH); Daniel Harrington’s WS 1532, 12-15 (BMH); Patrick J. Lynch’s WS 1543, 15-18 (BMH); Edward Neville’s WS 1665, 5-8 (BMH); Abbott (2000), 203-4; ‘The Irish Rebellion in the 6th Division Area’, Irish Sword, 27 (Spring 2010), 143; Kautt (2010), 131-38; Kingston (2013), 19; Ó hÉalaithe (2014), 191; (accessed 28 July 2014); (accessed 27 Sept. 2015).


Note: Among the British casualties in the IRA ambush at Coolnacahera or Coolavokig was Constable Arthur William Kane (or Cane) of J Company of the Auxiliary Division of the RIC (ADRIC), based at Macroom Castle. He succumbed the next day at the Central Cork Military Hospital to severe wounds received in the encounter. Along with other Auxiliaries, he had taken refuge in a house at the scene of the ambush and was fatally wounded while shooting from a window. See Military Inquests, WO 35/147A/33 (TNA). Like the Auxiliary Soady, Constable Kane was also buried in Macroom. See Jeremiah Murphy’s WS 772, 8 (BMH). Constable Kane had seven months of service with the ADRIC; he had previously been a soldier and a clerk.

The Irish Revolution Project

Scoil na Staire /Tíreolaíocht

University College Cork, Cork,
