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RIC Constable Timothy Scully

RIC Constable Timothy Scully (aged 64) of Adrigole near Skibbereen (Riverstown near Glanmire)

Date of incident: 11 March 1920

Sources: CE, 12, 13, 15, 17 March, 3 June 1920; CCE, 13 March 1920; CWN, 20 March 1920; Joseph Cashman’s WS 1466, 2 (BMH); Abbott (2000), 63; (accessed 28 July 2014). 


Note: At about 10 p.m. on 11 March 1920, IRA gunmen suddenly opened fire on a police patrol at Glanmire as three constables were returning to their barracks. Constable Scully was shot through the heart and lungs at close range with an automatic pistol by one of the three Volunteers involved; he died almost immediately. See Abbott (2000), 63. 

Former Volunteer James Cashman of Riverstown later disclosed that the killing was not intended. Instead, the Riverstown Volunteer Company had a larger goal in mind: ‘Our plan was to try and hold up this patrol of three [RIC] men, disarm them, and march them to the [Glanmire] barracks and make them give their usual password to the man in charge within so that we could rush in and seize whatever arms were inside. With a number of local Volunteers I had been placed near the barracks to take part in the rush on the door when it opened, while the company captain and a few of the men proceeded to hold up the three R.I.C. men who were sheltering under a hedge during a shower. Our men were armed with a revolver or two and some shotguns. When the R.I.C. got the order “Hands up”, one of them—a Constable Scully—resisted and was shot dead. This put an end to our attempted seizure, as after the shooting we returned to our homes for the time being.’ The Glanmire RIC barracks was evacuated shortly after this incident and was promptly burned down. See Joseph Cashman’s WS 1466, 2 (BMH).

Aged 64 at the time of his death and a native of Skibbereen, Constable Scully had thirty-eight years of service with the RIC. He had been a farmer much earlier in his life. He was buried in Skibbereen on 14 March 1920. His wife was later awarded compensation of £1,600. See CE, 3 June 1920.

The Irish Revolution Project

Scoil na Staire /Tíreolaíocht

University College Cork, Cork,
