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About the Traveller Equality and Justice Project

If you are a Traveller who has experienced discrimination, please visit this page to see what cases we can help with, and our contact details. 

The Traveller Equality & Justice Project (TEJP) is an innovative collaborative project between UCC School of Law and the Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC). 

Based within the Centre for Criminal Justice & Human Rights at the UCC School of Law, the TEJP aims to highlight ongoing levels of discrimination experienced by Travellers in Cork and Kerry.  

The TEJP has established Munster’s first Traveller-specific legal clinic, providing access to justice for Travellers who have experienced discrimination and have been refused access to goods and services. You can see more about the clinic here. 

In highlighting the barriers to justice that Travellers face in seeking to challenge their right to equal treatment under the Equal Status Acts 2000-2018, the TEJP seeks to address the ‘rediscrimination’ that many Travellers experience attempting to secure their right to equal treatment and access legal services.  

Our partnership with FLAC seeks to respond to a need for legal research and increased data on discrimination that Irish Travellers face in the provision of goods and services, and legal supports in challenging acts of discrimination through the legal system. You can read more about our staff and our partnership with FLAC here. 

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The Traveller Equality & Justice Project was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) under Grant Agreement number: 963353 — TEJP — REC-AG-2020 / REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2020 for the period of January 2021-October 2023.

The Rights Equality and Citizenship Award allowed the TEJP to build upon the CCJHR’s existing partnership with the Traveller Community in Cork and Kerry and the creation of the new TEJP Traveller-specific legal clinic in line with the research findings. During the funding period, the TEJP provided legal information and supports to 97 Traveller victims of discrimination across Cork & Kerry. 

It also allowed for the creation of a vital data set around Traveller experience of discrimination and engagement with the legal system and access to justice. Currently, such data on the Irish Traveller Community does not exist.    

The contents of this website represent the views of the Traveller Equality & Justice Project only and is their sole responsibility. The European Union does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. 
