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Student Consultation

Consultation Process

On February 23rd, Professor McSweeney met with over 120 SU Class Reps at an evening Student Council meeting on MS Teams. Also in support were Dr. Dave Otway, joint chair of the Digital Education Advisory Group and Tom O’Mara, Head of Digital Education. Paul outlined his initial thoughts and then used a polling tool, Mentimeter, to allow students to feed back on key issues. 

This document, Student Council Feedback  shows you all of the answers that were received on the evening. The key findings were in line with Student Union surveying done at the end of October 2020.



Others may interpret the data differently, but OVPLT feels the main points raised were as follows:

  • The last 12 months have been difficult for students, with many reporting themselves stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, isolated and unsupported at times.

  • Students liked the flexibility afforded by online delivery, the use of recorded lectures, the use of Canvas and the no academic disadvantage decision.

  • Isolation, lack of feedback, missing friends, heavier workloads, lack of engagement, not being able to do practicals, and poor communication were some of the recurring themes about what students didn’t like.

  • Students felt that the effectiveness of teaching and learning, and assessment were around the middle of the road, scoring 3 and 3.2 out of 5 respectively.

  • Suggestions for future improvement include more consistency, better communication, recording of lectures, more feedback, more continuous assessment, consideration of timetabling, opportunities for more interaction and engagement between staff and students and between students and other students.


Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
