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Learning and Teaching Townhalls

The Consultation Process

The events of the last 12 months have seen greater change in learning and teaching in UCC arguably than at any other time in our 175 years.  The way our university community has adapted to the pandemic has been truly inspirational; when the history of these unprecedented times comes to be written, huge credit will surely be given to staff and students for keeping the university functioning, often under very difficult circumstances.

UCC is – and will remain – fundamentally a campus-based university and our sincere hope is that staff and students will return to our beautiful campus as soon as public health guidelines allow.  In addition, we anticipate that disciplines will have very differing views on the future of digital education and a return to the status quo ante may be appropriate in many cases.  However, we have learned much in the last 12 months and it is also likely that some elements of our current emergency approach to learning, teaching and assessment might become part of our settled practice in a post-covid university.  

To that end, Professor Paul McSweeney, Vice President for Learning and Teaching ran a consultation session with UCC’s Student’s Council on February 23rd and a townhall session with all staff on March 12th. These sessions were entitled ‘UCC+2: Digital Education supporting learning in a post-covid university’. The purpose of these sessions was to give students and staff to share their thoughts on the future direction of Digital Education in the context of UCC 2022 Delivering a Connected University

This site outlines the process, the feedback received and some answers to some of the questions raised.

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
