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Tom O'Mara

Tom O'Mara, Head of Digital Education

 Headshot of Tom O'Mara

Tom is Head of Digital Education and runs the Centre for Digital Education. A professional educator with over 25 years’ experience in education, learning and development, Tom has worked as an English Language Teacher in Thailand and Dublin, an Instructional Designer with two commercial elearning companies, a Series Producer with an educational TV company and managed the distance learning service for the National Adult Literacy Agency for nine years.  He has a strong background in leveraging technological advances to deliver innovative and flexible learning across a range of platforms including multimedia, video and broadcast television.


Some successes along the way include:

  • Guiding the first national Thai English language debating team to various competitions including their first ever world university debating competition in South Africa;
  • Developing bespoke elearning programmes for over 50 bluechip and public companies worldwide;
  • Producing and advising on 14 prime time TV series on RTÉ around the theme of literacy, winning awards from the EU and UNESCO;
  • Designing and developing, NALA’s award winning elearning site, supporting 40,000+ literacy learners online and enabling over 3,000 to achieve QQI levels 2 and 3 accreditation;
  • Leading the transition to the Canvas Virtual Learning Environment in UCC;
  • Managing various instructional design-related initiatives including digital badging and the development of next generation learning spaces; and
  • Representing further and higher education perspectives on various national panels established by the QQI and the IUA



Tom O’ Mara

 Head of Digital Education

Canvas Implementation Project Manager

Office of the Vice-President for Learning and Teaching

University College Cork


Tel: (021) 490 3874

Mob: (087) 2244725

Twitter: @tomomara

Linkedin: tomomara1



Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
