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UCC Postgraduate courses

Bioanalytical Chemistry (HCI Pillar 1)

Course Fact File
Duration9 months
Teaching ModeFull-time. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info.
QualificationsPG Dip
NFQ LevelLevel 9
EU FeesFree or 90% funded
See Fees and Costs for full details.
Closing DateRolling deadline. Open until all places have been filled. Early application is advised.
Start Date9 December 2024

Course Outline

2023 HCI Pillar 1 Logos


The Postgraduate Diploma in Bioanalytical Chemistry is a level 9 qualification that will provide you with knowledge of bioanalytical chemistry as applied in the biopharmaceutical industry. It aims to deliver a broad scope of industry relevant bioanalytical topics that will give you valuable insight and raise your awareness of the importance, implementation and impact of bioanalytical chemistry. This programme runs over the course of 2 semesters and consists of 10 modules. These modules aim to deliver a broad scope of industry relevant bioanalytical topics that will give you valuable insight and raise your awareness of the importance, implementation and impact of bioanalytical chemistry. Modules will deliver a more in-depth appreciation of the latest trends of bioanalytical techniques and state of the art analytical technologies being implemented by the biopharmaceutical industry. Training in a wide range of methods of bioanalytical chemistry analysis and chemometric skills, literature searching, troubleshooting and presentation skills will be provided. A key aspect of the programme is the partnering with several industries that provide valuable insight, skills and knowledge that bridge the gap between academic teaching and industry practice. Proactive collaboration with industry in the design and delivery of the curriculum is an innovative approach that will enhance the student learning experience. 

Towards these ends the course will consist of:

  • (i) Online lectures
  • (ii) Virtual Laboratory work
  • (iii) Laboratory work on set experiments
  • (iv) Industry workshops
  • (v) A desk-based research review project

The programme modules are as follows:

  • CM6028 Introduction to Bioanalytical Chemistry (5 credits)
  • CM6009 Advanced Bioanalytical Chemistry (5 credits)
  • CM6024 Industry Led Workshops/Seminars in Bioanalytical Chemistry (5 credits)
  • CM6025 Instrumental Techniques for Bioanalytical Chemistry (5 credits)
  • CM6031 Process Analytical Technology in BioPharma (5 credits)
  • CM6029 Introduction to Quality and Regulatory Affairs for BioPharma (5 credits)
  • CM6032 Troubleshooting Bioanalytical Chemistry Case Studies (5 credits)
  • CM6008 Virtual Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratories (5 credits)
  • CM6030 Practice of Bioanalytical Chemistry (10 credits)
  • CM6023 Bioanalytical Project (10 credits) 

Programme Objectives:

Over the duration of this programme you will learn how to:

  • Identify, formulate, analyse and solve problems in the analysis of biological compounds
  • Outline fundamental and applied aspects of bioanalytical chemistry
  • Design and carry out a method of biopharmaceutical analysis, including instrumental analysis
  • Communicate effectively with the biopharmaceutical community on bioanalytical chemistry
  • Troubleshoot and problem solve challenges in the field of bioanalytical chemistry
  • Prepare a written research report and disseminate the results by way of presentation

Additional Teaching Mode Information

Lectures are all online and can be reviewed in your own time, at your own pace. This flexibility has been built into the programme to enable those working in industry to study the content at a pace that suits their personal circumstances.

Lab work - Labs are to be attended in person. 10 days in total, over the duration of 10 weeks from April 2024. Students can choose to attend 1 day per week for the 10 weeks or excelerate by attending 2-3 days a week depending on personal workload and release time from industry.

Course Practicalities

There are no exams. Assessment is continuous throughout the year. The assessments can be taken at the students own pace and time.

Why Choose This Course

Students will be ready to work in the Biopharmaceutical industry on completion of this Postgraduate Diploma in Bioanalytical Chemistry. They will have a broader awareness of bioanalytical technologies and techniques and be better prepared to fulfil new and emerging roles in Quality Assurance and Quality Control within the Biopharmaceutical industry.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Bioanalytical Chemistry gives students a broad foundation of Bioanalytical techniques and assays and their application in the Biopharmaceutical industry. The Biopharmaceutical manufacturing sector is very strong in Ireland with an investment of $10 billion in developing new facilities over the past 10 years. As a sector it is seeing a strong demand for new skills to be developed as this investment leads to new jobs and roles within the industry.

The industry advisory board from the taught postgraduate programmes in Analytical Chemistry has been very proactive to partner the Biopharmaceutical sector with the School of Chemistry and consult on the design and implementation of the curriculum for this new PG Dip programme.

The content delivered in the Bioanalytical programme is very relevant to the skills in the Biopharmaceutical sector and students on completion of the programme will have improved opportunities for employment. The new modes of teaching, industry relevant content and innovative methods of delivery, including the use of virtual reality technology (labs and virtual gaming) have significant input from key industry partners (in particular the industry relevant case studies and workshops). This PG Dip will also provide students with opportunities to develop their problem-solving skills and enhance their student experience through a blended course delivery and direct contact with Biopharmaceutical industry representatives.

Skills and Careers Information

The Postgraduate Diploma in Bioanalytical Chemistry has been designed to enable graduates to meet priority skills needs for the biopharmaceutical sector. It links strongly to Regional development and NDP/Project Ireland 2040 objectives, responding to the needs of the biopharmaceutical industry to provide more skilled personnel.

You will gain hands-on experience with industry partners through industry workshops that have been incorporated into the programme.

Are there any career workshops included as part of this course?

Students will have access to the UCC career services. Main activities will include:

  1. Career coaching to formulate individual career action plans leading to employment, reflecting on: 
    1. Where are they now in their careers?
    2. Where do they want to be?
    3. Strategies for gaining employment on completion of the programme.

  2. Job readiness workshops will be built into the programme as outlined below:
    1. Positioning oneself for job readiness: Setting realistic career objectives; Understanding strengths and skills; Learning from successful role models; Developing a career management strategy.
    2. Moving forward into a job: Taking action by developing career goals and implementing them;
    3. Creative job-hunting both on-line and off-line; Written applications, CVs and interview preparation and implementing career plans.

  3. Participants will be given the opportunity to meet employers by attending UCC organised recruitment fairs, jobs roadshows and other events where employers will be invited on campus to meet students.


Applicants must have a Second Class Honours Grade 2 in a primary honours degree (NFQ, Level 8) in Science, Process Engineering or Chemical Engineering.

Under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) applicants who do not meet the above academic entry requirements may be considered for admission and will be assessed on a number of factors including: 

  • Academic Achievement 
  • Prior Work Experience 
  • Personal Statement

All applicants whose first language is not English must provide evidence of English language proficiency. See our English language proficiency requirements.

Fees and Costs

Places will be subsidised under the Human Capital Initiative (HCI) Pillar 1 as follows: 

  • Standard EU Fee: €7,250
  • 90% Subsidised Fee: €725 payable by applicant
  • 100% Subsidised Fee: No course fees payable by applicant

For full details on subsidies available please see 'What will it cost?' on the main HCI Pillar 1 webpage

How To Apply

 Applications must be made on Springboard+.  

  • If you already have a Springboard+ account, please apply here
  • If you are new to Springboard+, please create an account here to apply
  • When you log into your existing account or register for a new account, go to the search courses tab and search for the course you are interested in applying for. Further instructions can be found in the 'How to Apply' section of the Springboard+ webpage. 

Applicants are advised to apply early as high demand is anticipated and places are limited. Applications cannot be assessed until all supporting documentation has been received.   

Documentation that you will need for your application:

1. Applicants who meet the Academic Entry Requirements will need:

  • Copies of transcripts from all previous relevant educational qualifications. A parchment may also be required in some instances
  • A Personal/Motivation Statement: In 500 words or less, please state why you wish to study this programme
  • An up-to-date CV

Where English is not your first language you are required to submit a copy of a UCC approved English Language Test/Exam.

2. Applicants who apply under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), will need:

  • Copies of transcripts from all previous relevant educational qualifications. A parchment may also be required in some instances
  • Personal / Motivation Statement - In 500 words or less, please state:

- Why you wish to study this programme
- How your experience, professional and educational, equips you for admission to the course  despite not meeting the academic entry requirements

  • An up-to-date CV
  • References where applicable

Where English is not your first language you are required to submit a copy of a UCC approved English Language Test/Exam.

3. Eligibility for HCI Pillar 1 Funding: 

In addition to the above, academic, English language and RPL requirements, all applicants must provide proof of the following in order to qualify for HCI Pillar 1 funding:

  • Evidence of living full time in the Republic of Ireland
  • Evidence of holding a valid Personal Public Service Number (PPSN)
  • Evidence of having lived in the EU/EEA/UK/Switzerland for 3 out of the past 5 years
  • Evidence of meeting the nationality/visa requirement
  • Evidence of meeting one of the following employment statuses:

- Employed

- Unemployed and in receipt of an eligible Department of Social Protection (DSP) payment for 9 out of the past 12 months

- Recent graduate (2023 or 2024)

- Returner

- Self-employed

- Formerly self-employed

The above funding eligibility documentation will be required after acceptance of a provisional offer, and not earlier than 6 weeks prior to course commencement. For more detailed information on what constitutes acceptable evidence please visit the Springboard+ website.

For queries regarding course content or timetables please contact
