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Contraception Services

Free Contraception Services for those aged 17-35.

There is reduced availability over the summer months. Our online booking is not in operation over the summer.

Request a contraception consultatiion by calling our appointments on 021 4902311.

If you are 17 -35 years old and have a PPS number, the following services are free:

  • Doctors' and nurses' contraceptive consulatations, and repeat prescriptions if needed
  • Contraception prescriptions and devices prescribed - these will be given free of charge at participating pharmacies
  • Your choice of contraception - from the types covered below
  • Fittings and removals of implants or coils (IUDs or IUSs)
  • Contraception check-ups and other follow up care needed relating to your implant or coil
  • Emergency contraception (morning after pill)

The contraceptive options available include: The Pill, The Patch, The Vaginal Ring, The Coil (IUS/IUCD),The Bar (Implant), as well as Emergency Contraception.

Consultations are in person, as well as by telephone or MS Teams - depending on the situation.
On occasions, on-site attendance is required e.g.for coil insertion, or intermittent checks of your blood pressure etc.
Prescriptions are now sent electronically to your pharmacy.
If you do not qualify for free contraception, these services are available in Student Health at reasonable cost.

STI Screening

Just as with other aspects of your health, your sexual health is very important.

University years may be a time of transition and change, and for some this means becoming sexually active with a partner for the first time, or a change in sexual partner(s). It may also be a time of self-discovery and uncertainty about your sexual orientation.

If you are concerned about any aspect of your sexual health, the Student Health Department can help.

We have a dedicated team with considerable experience built up over the years of helping people deal with sexual issues.

You can also avail of self-test kits STI screening from 



Student Health Department

Seirbhísí Sláinte na Mac Léinn

Student Health Department, Crow's Nest Accommodation Complex, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, T12 HXW4 ,
