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Self-help Resources and Workshops

Self-help Resources:

  • UCC support links: There are links to other UCC support services and to external support agencies in this section.
  • Workbooks: These workbooks can help you deal with various problems such as anxiety, depression, panic, sleep, self-esteem, etc.
  • Spunout: Ireland’s youth information websitecreated by young people for young people, with information on how to live an active, happy and healthy life.
  • Self-help Books: There are self-help books available via the UCC Library.

Term Time Workshops:

  • Decider Skills: These workshops teach people skills to develop resilience and to recognise and manage their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Please email for further information. 
  • Managing Anxiety: These four-week CBT based programs are designed to help you develop understanding, awareness and skills to manage your anxiety.  Please email for further information. 
  • Coping With Distress: These eight-week DBT based progams provide a space to talk about, develop and practice skills to assist you in managing distress in your daily life. Please email for further information.

Student Counselling & Development

Comhairleoireacht agus Forbairt na Mac Léinn
