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4. Selection Committee and Awards Ceremony 2024

                                 UNIVERSITY STAFF RECOGNITION AWARDS

A Selection Committee holds responsibility for evaluating nominations and determining the successful individual(s) or team(s) (as appropriate) for each award category.  

Membership of the 2024 Selection Committee

  • To be confirmed


Each year the selection procedure is as follows:

The Chair will convene the Selection Committee following the closing date for receipt of nominations.

The Selection Committee will evaluate nominations and determine the successful individual(s) or team(s) (as appropriate) for each award category.

Any Selection Committee member who accepts a nomination for an award will be required to withdraw from the Committee and a replacement must be designated by the Department of Human Resources.

All awards are based on the merit of the nomination.  The Selection Committee may decide not to select any nominees, or to select fewer nominees than the number of awards available, in a particular award category/categories.  In that case, no award, or a reduced number of awards, will be presented for the particular category/categories.





Membership of the 2024 Selection Committee

The Selection Committee shall comprise the following individuals: 

  • Corporate Secretary (or nominee), as Chair 
  • Bursar/Chief Financial Officer (or nominee)
  • The Students’ Union President (or nominee)
  • One external member of the Boards of Directors of each of the campus companies listed at 1.i above

 Administrative support to the Committee shall be provided by the Office of Corporate and Legal Affairs.

The composition of the Committee shall endeavour to reflect the University’s commitment to principles of equality, diversity and inclusion. The President may co-opt additional individuals to the Selection Committee in his/her discretion where necessary to ensure a representative Selection Committee.

Committee members may not nominate individuals for Awards or provide letters of support in respect of a nominee. Committee members shall declare any conflict of interest arising in respect of nominees for category/categories of Award

The Committee reserves the right to not make an Award in all/any particular category in any given year.



Awards Ceremony 2024

The Awards Ceremony, hosted by the President, is an annual event and this years ceremony will be held on the evening of Wednesday, 23rd October 2024 in the Aula Max, Main Quadrangle, UCC.


Any queries?  

Email (University Staff Recognition Awards)

Email (UCC Campus Companies Staff Recognition Awards)






Updated: June 2024



University Staff and Campus Companies Staff Recognition Awards 2024

Gradaim Aitheantais Fhoireann na hOllscoile
