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Staff Clubs & Societies Funding

UCC Staff Sports & Social Club Grant Fund

The UCC Staff Sports and Social Club makes funding available to UCC staff clubs and societies which are non-for-profit and have been/are being established for the benefit of staff in the university.

Qualifying applications are focused on capital expenditure and costs directly related to the operation of the club/society.

Funding is generally not granted for consumable items, e.g. food, drink, transport or accommodation.

Applications are now open for 2023. To apply for funding, complete the Grant Funding Application Form 2019

Catherine O Boyle, SSSC Clubs and Societies Representative

Societies Office

Phone 0214904815


Applications to be received by Thursday, 6th April, 2023.

Criteria for Funding

  1. How many Club members are members of the Staff Sports and Social Club?
  2. Does the Club have any other income sources? Does it charge a membership fee?
  3. Is the application for equipment associated with the operation of the Club?
  4. Is the money needed?
  5. Did the club meet the conditions for funding in the previous year? These include issuing calls for new members, encouraging membership of the SSSC, organising an event for all UCC staff and providing receipts for purchases funded by the SSSC.
  6. All clubs and societies should interact with the committee to advertise events. 

To be considered for funding, all parts of the application form must be completed in full, signed by the Chairperson of the Club and accompanied by the following documentation:

  • Club Constitution (if applicable)
  • Membership List (no contact details). Two thirds must be UCC staff or partners.
  • A report on activities funded by the Staff Sports and Social Club in the last round of grants
  • A copy of the annual bank statement of the Club detailing transactions on the account relating to SSSC funding.

Starting a New Staff Club or Society

If you have a query on forming a new staff club or society, please contact Gerry Moloney PRO, SSSC Clubs and Societies representative via email 

Staff Sports and Social Club

Club Spóirt agus Sóisialta na Foirne
