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Report Contact from Essay Mills

Please use this form to report any instance of contact from essay mills or cheating services. This can include text messages through WhatsApp, DM's on FB, Twitter or Insta or even approaches through email. Sometimes people may contact you when they see you are attached to UCC, for example in your bio. In most instances these are essay mills offering to do work for you, help with assignments or provide a 'plagiarism free' essay for you to submit. Do not trust them - your data is not safe with them and they are known to blackmail students. Instead report them. Together we can uphold the integrity of our academic work. If you' re suspicious or worried about any communication, please do let us know. You can screenshot the communication and upload it in the form here. Please note, that you will need to be signed in to Google to upload a screenshot, so your email address will be collected for this. If you prefer to report anonymously, you can simply provide the name of the website/company/account that has contacted you in the form below without the need to sign in.

We will report the account or contract cheating provider to Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), who are able to prosecute these providers under Section 43A of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) (Amendment) Act 2019. Only providers and advertisers can be prosecuted under this act, not students, and we will not include any of your personal details when reporting to QQI. There are no repercussions for you when reporting contact by suspected contract cheating providers, and you can help protect yourself and other students from these by reporting them. 

Remember, the Skills Centre is here to help you with your academic work. This is a free service for all UCC students to avail of where you will receive guidance from peer tutors. Please do check out our writing clinics, drop-in services and much more on the Skills Centre Booking Page


Skills Centre

Q -1 (Q minus 1), Boole Library,
