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New Avenues to Teaching (NAT)

Applications now open

Apply here

UCC's Project under the HEA's Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH)

This three-year funding initiative (2021-2024) has been extended for the coming academic year 2023/24. The aim of the project is to improve Equity of Access to students who have been traditionally under-represented in teaching.  This is the final year of funding in this current cycle.

 These students include:

  • Students with a disability
  • Students from the Irish Traveller community 
  • Students from other ethnic minorities
  • Students from target socio-economic groups
  • Mature students (undergraduate only)
  • Students who are lone parents

 At UCC we aim to increase the participation of these students in our initial teacher education courses in three ways:

  1. Funding: The provision of scholarships and bursaries to aid students in financial need
  2. A Junior Teacher Programme: Which will focus on both recruiting students from target groups into teaching and supporting them academically in this journey
  3. Personal support: There will be a dedicated NAT project officer within the school of education whose job it will be to guide and support these students while they are studying education at UCC.

For the academic year 2023/24, the New Avenues to Teaching Application Form will be live from 11th September 2023 from 12 noon. 

For more information on the New Avenues to Teaching (Nat) project, please refer to the School of Education Website

Making an application

To make an application please click here

Student Financial Supports and Advice

Tacaíocht agus Comhairle Airgeadais do Mhic Léinn

1st Floor, The Hub , T12YF78
