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The UCC Pathology Graduate Entry to Medicine Medal

At a glance

  • Value: Medal
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to


Presented to the outstanding student each year who achieves the highest aggregate mark based on examinations held in years 1 & 2 held by the Department of Pathology, University College Cork. 


One medal will be offered annually upon completion of the second year of study.


The medal awarded to the Graduate Entry to Medicine student obtaining the highest marks at first attempt will be based on performance in the current GM1001, GM1002, GM1003 and GM2001 modules.


The award will be made to the outstanding student each year.  The successful student must fulfil the following criteria:


  1. The medal will be called the UCC Pathology Graduate Entry to Medicine Medal.
  2. The standard is sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the Academic Council.
  3. The successful candidate will have completed two years and the requirements set down by the University.
  4. Students eligible to receive these awards will be registered second year medical students who have successfully taken the examinations in each relevant module at first attempt.
  5. Funding for the award will come from the Department of Pathology, UCC.


Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
