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The Dr. Kay (Kate) Flynn Memorial Medal In Physiology

At a glance

  • Value: Medal
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to

The friends and family of the late Dr. Kate Flynn have contributed c. €8,889 towards the award of a medal in Physiology. The following conditions apply:

1. The award be termed "The Dr. Kay (Kate) Flynn Memorial Medal in Physiology".
2. The award is open to competition annually amongst registered First Medical students in UCC.
3. The Medal is awarded to the student who passes the First MB Examination as a whole (no exemptions granted) at the first attempt in the Summer, and who obtains the highest mark in Physiology and First Class Honours in FM1010, FM1020, FM1030 and FM1040.


Note: These awards are funded from endowments made by the respective donors to the University for awards to be made in perpetuity. The funds donated are invested, and the annual income is the amount available for the award. Due to fluctuation in the investment market, the amounts available from year to year may vary, upwards and downwards; for this reason, the value of any award referred to in this section is indicative only, and may be higher or lower when the amount of the award is completed.

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
