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BComm Gold Medal for Academic Achievement

At a glance

  • Value: Medal
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this prize
  • Questions about this prize can be directed to


This specially commissioned medal prize will be presented annually to the recently graduated BComm IV student who achieves the highest academic marks based on their final year award.


Selection Process and Eligibility to apply

The selection of the Award recipient will be made by a subgroup of the BComm Board of Studies and this recommendation approved by the CUBS Boards.

The following conditions for the award apply:

  • The award is confined to BComm students who have graduated during the preceding academic year;
  • The award is for the recently graduated BComm IV student who has achieve the highest overall mark at their first sitting, as per their final year transcript.   Where a student has received a waiver from the Appeals & Mitigation Committee in relation to the autumn examination sitting, then they will also be considered. 
  • In a scenario where two or more students have achieved the highest overall mark in final year, then the award will be determined by the candidate that has achieved the highest mark within the 40-credits of their chosen major in final year.  Where a singular judgement cannot be made between candidates based on these criteria, then the student that has achieved the highest mark in third year will be the award recipient.




Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
