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The Peter Dempsey Award In Applied Psychology

At a glance

  • Value: €1,000
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this award
  • Questions about this award can be directed to


Rev. Professor Peter Dempsey, OFM, Cap., retired from the Chair of Applied Psychology in 1982 having been a full-time member of the staff of University College Cork for thirty-one years. During that time he successfully brought his chosen subject to a position of eminence not alone in UCC but in Ireland. He was the first Professor of Applied Psychology in UCC and many of his former students and colleagues felt that they wished to mark the work of Professor Dempsey permanently by the institution of an award to enable a student to pursue postgraduate studies in Applied Psychology.

The current value of the award is c. €1,000.

  • The Award shall be called "The Peter Dempsey Award in Applied Psychology".
  • The award shall be made by the Academic Council on the recommendation of the full-time teaching staff of the School of Applied Psychology in consultation with the Head of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, the Head of College of Science, Engineering and Food Science or nominee and the External Examiner.
  • The competition for the award shall be confined to students who are pursuing the final year of the honours programme for the BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons) Degree Examinations or the Higher Diploma in Psychology, and who have passed all previous examinations in the relevant College/Faculty in the minimum time.
  • The award shall be made only to a candidate who reaches a standard deemed adequate by the Academic Council.
  • The award shall consist of a sum of money and a parchment.
  • In the event that the award is not made in a given year, the sum concerned shall revert to the capital fund.


 *Note: These awards are funded from endowments made by the respective donors to the University for awards to be made in perpetuity. The funds donated are invested, and the annual income is the amount available for the award. Due to fluctuation in the investment market, the amounts available from year to year may vary, upwards and downwards; for this reason, the value of any award referred to in this section is indicative only, and may be higher or lower when the amount of the award is completed.

Scholarships and Prizes

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