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Government of Ireland - NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Rural Development

At a glance

  • Value: €82,000, stipend + €10,000 Research Support Funding
  • You must be an NUI graduate to be eligible for this fellowship
  • Questions about this fellowship can be directed to


NUI and the Department of Rural and Community Development are pleased to offer this Fellowship to support post-doctoral research in rural development in general, and specifically research which supports the objectives of the Rural Development Policy 2021-2025, Our Rural Future.


About the Post-Doctoral Fellowship

This is a two-year Fellowship, valued at approx. €82,000 plus Research Support Funding of up to €10,000.

The Fellowship must be held in a constituent university or recognised college or college linked with a constituent university of NUI. Applicants do not need to hold an NUI degree to be eligible to apply.



The deadline for full applications is Friday, 8 April 2022The regulations and application form are available at:


Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
