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2nd SCENARIO FORUM SYMPOSIUM (25 / 9 / 2015)

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2nd SCENARIO FORUM SYMPOSIUM on Performative Teaching, Learning and Research 
25 September 2015, University College Cork


In 2014 UCC's School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (SLLC) established a new Centre for Advanced Studies in Languages and Cultures which consists of several research clusters, including the new cluster Culture as Performance - Performance as Culture.

Symposium participants are invited to attend an inaugural lecture in which Prof. Joelle Aden, Universite du Maine, will focus on aspects of Culture as Performance - Performance as Culture (details to follow). 

This lecture will be followed by a workshop given by Dr. John Crutchfield, Freie Universität Berlin (details to follow).

In the afternoon there will be presentations which will focus on aspects of performative teaching and learning. 

Should you wish to present a paper and/or attend the Symposium please send an email to:


Scenario Conference and Other Events Archive



8th Drama and Education World Congress (Paris, 8-13 July): For details click here

Ästhetisches Lernen im DaF-Unterricht: Musik - Kunst - Film - Theater - Literatur 
Ciudad Universitaria, Mexiko-Stadt.  Details unter:


  • Drama als Methode: Theaterorientierte Unterrichtsformen in Schule und UniversitätEine Veranstaltungsreihe des Fachdidaktikzentrums der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Fakultät Graz. Karl-Franzens-Universität an verschiedenen Tagen im Wintersemester 2012/13 (weitere Details in angehängter pdf-Datei)

  • Languages in Motion: Language Learning/Teaching and the Performing Arts, an international conference organized by CRINI (Centre de Recherche sur les Identités Nationales et l'Interculturalité) Septembre 6 -7, 2012 UFR de Langues, Université de Nantes. E-mail addresses of organisers: - 


  • Theatre of Languages - June 15 - 20 A week of drama and theatre in language education that takes place in Prague, Czech Republic. This event combines a conference for language teachers at the Charles University of Prague with a festival of school performances in a theatre. All experts, teachers and schools actively engaged in teaching foreign languages through drama and/or theatre are welcome to join in and share their knowledge, skills, and experience. The dates are June 15th - 20th, 2011. Further details here

  • 14. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der DGFF - Hamburg 28/9/ - 1/10 Workshop 11: Theater work and foreign language research. For details click here


  • Körper, Klang, Rhythmus: 13. Grazer Tagung DaF/DaZ  18-19. Juni, Universitätslehrgang DaF/DaZ, University of Graz. For programme details see word document below






Department of German & Department of Theatre – University College Cork

Scenario Editorial Office, Department of German, Alfred O'Rahilly Building, Main Campus, University College Cork,
