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ITS Upgrade v4.1 - Feb 2023

Welcome to ITS v4.1 - Go Live - Feb 2023

 In February 2023 the Current Version of ITS (v3.5) will be upgraded to a New Version of ITS (v4.1).

Frequently Asked Questions about the Upgrade:

FAQ #1 - What is changing in the ITS Upgrade?

The User Interface will be changing in v4.1.
This means that a lot of screens that UCC Staff will be familiar with from v3.5, will have a different look and feel.
However a lot of the existing screens will be staying the same.

FAQ #2 - How do I know if the ITS Screens I use are changing or not?

A list of all ITS Screens and whether they are in the NEW Format or OLD Format is contained below.
Please review this list for the specific screens you use in ITS.






Academic Systems Administration Office

2nd Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, University College Cork (UCC), Western Road, Cork
